The complete author package
The Complete Author Package is for those who want to publish their book in all formats: paper, e-book and audio. A minimum of 300 printed copies are included, you get a personal project manager/publisher.
With the Complete Author Package, your book is published as a paper book, audiobook and e-book. It is not possible to reach all readers with only one or two formats, your book will not reach its full potential if it is not published in all formats and published in all channels as more than half of book sales nowadays go through digital channels, in addition, you save £4000 or more compared to procuring everything on your own.
The combination of digital (audio and ebook) and paper book is optimal. Audiobooks are by far the fastest growing format and nowadays over 50% of all books consumed are digital. The development of digital formats looks set to continue to grow strongly. By publishing your book in audio, you maximise the distribution of your work and reach the widest possible readership.
The Complete Author Package includes 300 printed books in softcover (this also includes project management, typesetting, cover design, etc. - i.e. everything included in the Author Package), e-book and audiobook. You can, of course, order more printed books if you want an even lower printing cost per book. Of course, the audiobook will be read by professional readers in a studio adapted for reading to ensure that you get a production of the highest class.
By leaving the practicalities and formalities to us, you'll have more time to do what you do best - write.
Detta ingår i Författarpaketet Komplett:
- Personlig förläggare/projektledare
- Sättning av inlaga
- 300 tryckta böcker (mjukpärm, sv.v. inlaga max 250 sidor svartvitt)
- Omslagsdesign utifrån bild(er) du skickar in
- Ljudförläggare
- Inläsare/skådespelarröst
- Mastering
- Brusreducering
- Korrekturlyssning
- Omslagsformgivning
- Publicering & distribution
- Metadata
- Tryck-PDF för godkännande innan sluttryck
- Du får välja papperstyp, format och utförande på boken
- Försäljning och distribution (om du så önskar)
- Kostnadsfri fysisk och digital lagring
- Gratis e-bok
- Gratis digital lagring av din titel, inga dolda avgifter
- Redovisning av försäljning
- Mottagande av Pdf och wordfil
- Unikt ISBN-nummer
- EAN kod
- Rabatt på framtida bokbeställningar
Dessa allmänna villkor är en överenskommelse mellan dig (”Författaren”) och Bookea Vulkan Group AB (”Bookea”) om utgivning av verket enligt nedan. Genom att godkänna bokproduktion genom någon av nämnda sajter och Bookea Vulkan Group AB accepterar du dessa Allmänna Villkor.